SERT’s Build Designs
Headbot – a two-foot tall, self-balancing robot – is SERT’s popular outreach robot. It makes regular appearances at schools and community events where it draws crowds of adults and kids alike. Because the robot is both durable and easy to operate using an Android phone or tablet, children as young as three can drive it successfully. And because the bot can don a wide variety of hats, masks, and other costumes, it’s an entertaining addition to just about any gathering. SERT members use the bot to recruit new team members, and to inspire a general interest in STEM in the community.
Go Baby Go
Inspired by the Go Baby Go initiative, SERT modified toy ride-on trucks to be used as alternative transportation for children with limited mobility. SERT developed a design for modifying the trucks that allows them to be controlled with a joystick (smooth acceleration and zero turn radius) instead of a button press (no movement to immediate full power). The joystick trucks provide fun therapy, practice with a joystick that can help kids qualify for an electric wheelchair, and allow children to “run” around with their friends. SERT’s instructions for the joystick modifications having been downloaded worldwide.
SERT’s Software
Attendance Client
This is a user interface for SERT's attendance. It allows users to sign in, sign out, check their hours, and compete against others with a live-updating leaderboard.
Vision Processing Code
Powerful vision code for FRC for single-board computers such as the Raspberry Pi or for the roboRIO.
Robot Scouter
Robot Scouter is an open-source Android app with three core goals: to make FIRST competition robot scouting easy, efficient, and collaborative.
More than just robots.
Find out how you can join our team, or support local youth to be involved in STEM!